
  • Live music · 1 min read time 03.04.2024

    Learn more about PETZI!

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  • Activities · 2 min read time 11.03.2024

    m4music Festival 2024 : “Fair Pay in the Music Scene: Between Expectations and Reality”

    This year, PETZI will once again participate in the Conference of m4music Festival. We are delighted to present the panel “Fair Pay in the Music Scene: Between Expectations and Reality” on Saturday, 23 March 2024 at 1.15pm.

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  • Activities · 2 min read time 11.03.2024

    PETZI is hiring!

    PETZI is currently looking for a backend web developer (80%).

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  • Live music · 1 min read time 31.01.2023

    European Festival Report 2022

    A fortnight ago, IQ Magazine and the European festival association Yourope published a report on the festival year 2022 in Europe. This report looks back at the year 2022, which marked the return of festivals after the pandemic break.

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  • Politics · 2 min read time 17.01.2023

    Live DMA: Post Covid-19 challenges in the live music scenes across Europe

    Live DMA, the European network for live music venues, clubs and festivals, published a report this week highlighting the challenges the live music scene faces in the post-Covid era.

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