Live DMA: Post Covid-19 challenges in the live music scenes across Europe
“What is the mission of the live music scenes in the post-Covid19 area? And how to re-establish the importance of cultural spaces in our societies while they have been considered as non-essential and declared riskier than any other places during the pandemic?”
Live DMA, the European network for live music venues, clubs and festivals, published a report this week highlighting the challenges the live music scene faces in the post-Covid era. That's because, barely a year after music clubs reopened and festivals resumed, the long-lasting effects of the Covid 19 pandemic continue to affect the live music ecosystem:
Due to the production backlog during the pandemic, the live music sector now seems to be flooded with events, leading to increased tensions between the music stakeholders. The already fragile business models of the music sector are further weakened by increasing artist, production and energy costs. This is compounded by a shortage of staff and volunteers and a pandemic-related decline in audiences.
In the report, Live DMA takes a closer look at these challenges and formulates recommendations on how to deal with them, especially taking into account the climate crisis and the related desire for more sustainability in the cultural sector.
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