Enjoy LIVE Music - support your local scene
With the campaign "Enjoy LIVE Music - Support your local scene", PETZI wants to highlight the importance of the live music scene and raise awareness of its enormous positive social, cultural and economic impact. We encourage politicians, cultural institutions and the entire music scene to act together and to protect, support and improve the conditions of smaller venues, clubs and festivals to ensure diversity in the rich and varied Swiss music scene.
If you are wondering what you can do to support your local scene, here are a few ideas:
- Enjoy live events in your area and discover the different clubs and festivals in your region.
- Buy tickets for the events near you – for example via PETZI, an ethical and non-profit ticketing service.
- Get involved as a volunteer or staff member – many of our club and festival members rely on volunteers to organise their events and are regularly looking for volunteers. Check directly with your favourite club or festival!
- Buy merchandise from your favourite clubs or festivals if available, or support them via donations.
The campaign pursues several goals:
- Making visible and enhancing the value of local and non-profit concert venues and festivals;
- Making visible and enhancing the social, cultural and economic importance of these venues;
- Valorising voluntary work and engagement in non-profit structures;
- Highlighting the importance of these venues as a platform for the local live music scene;
- Highlighting the importance of these venues for formal and informal education and the acquisition of new skills;
- (Re-)Highlighting the irreplaceable interpersonal experience of live music, which we have sorely missed over the last two years and whose image has suffered particularly as a result of the pandemic.
Furthermore, with this campaign, PETZI wants to highlight the values we have long held and shared with our members: volunteering, inclusion, diversity, sustainability, and of course, last but not least, the important role of live music, which allows us to experience unforgettable moments of sharing and to create interpersonal connections.
It takes all of us: audience, artists, professionals and volunteers!
More Projects & Campaigns
Enjoy LIVE Music - commit to a sustainable future
Mit der Kampagne "Enjoy LIVE Music - commit to a sustainable future" möchte sich PETZI mit dem Thema der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit auseinandersetzen. Doch was bedeutet Nachhaltigkeit eigentlich? Was ist die Rolle der Kultur im Nachhaltigkeitsprozess? Und welche Ressourcen gibt es, die Live-Musik-Venues und Festivals dabei helfen können, ihren Betrieb nachhaltiger zu gestalten? Auf diese Fragen soll eingegangen werden.
Fachgespräche Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz
artos, Fcma, PETZI und Sonart haben sich zusammengeschlossen und präsentieren euch Fachgespräche rund um das Thema Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz. Ziel dieser Treffen ist es, Kulturschaffende für ein Thema zu sensibilisieren, das oft tabuisiert wird, sich aber in Berufen, die sowohl physisch als auch psychisch herausfordernd sind, als unumgänglich erweist.