Culture is my job

The campaign “Culture is my job” is an awareness and identification campaign for cultural professionals launched in 2020. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the plight of the cultural sector and to highlight the multiplicity and diversity of people affected by the Corona crisis, as well as to bring to life a sector that has now become almost completely invisible.

The aim of this campaign is to highlight the following points that bring us all together:

  • We are professionals with our qualifications, our expertise and our daily commitments within our functions.
  • We are united: beyond our differences in our roles and interests, we have come together to defend our economic industry.
  • There are many of us and we all participate in a rich and active ecosystem for the benefit of the whole of society.
  • Our structures are suffering now of this crisis and we are in danger... 


Our expectations of the Confederation and the Cantons:

  • Economic and cultural measures must be easily accessible and cover all professional fields of the cultural sector – the self-employed, freelancers, employees, managers and even the companies themselves.
  • Applications must be processed quickly and promised monies paid out quickly – in some cases we are still waiting for funds from the first wave and are about to run out.
  • Involvement of the associations in planning reopening – realistic perspectives and concepts specific to the sector are needed.
  • Objective: binding planning with concepts for which the cultural sector and the authorities are jointly responsible, therefore creating trust among the public.
  • Support measures available upto 6 months after the end of the crisis – that’s how long the industry needs to return to normal operations.
  • Continuation of regular cultural funding without cutbacks, with criteria adapted to the situation – if we can implement projects, the relief funds will save money and cultural diversity will be preserved.

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The campaign has been initiated by the following cultural organisations:

Artos - Association romande technique organisation spectacle
AVDC – association vaudoise de danse contemporaine
DANSE SUISSE - Association suisse des professionnels de la danse
DANSE TRANSITION - Accompagnement à la transition de carrière
FARS - Fédération des arts de la rue en Suisse
FCMA - Fondation Romande Pour la Chanson Et les Musiques Actuelles
PETZI – Swiss federation of music venues and festivals
PROCIRQUE - Association suisse des professionnels des arts du cirque
RESO - Réseau Danse Suisse
SONART - Association Suisse de Musique
SSRS - Syndicat Suisse Romand du Spectacle
SVTB – ASTT - association suisse des techniciens de théâtre et de spectacle
SME - Swiss Music Export
t. - Professionnels du spectacle Suisse

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