
ZW-2 / 5 Years Left

ZW turns two. Two years ranging from sweat to calmness, from tears and anxieties to euphoria. Attempting to collectively organise a cultural and political space in current times of rising prices, winner takes it all mentalities where hypes come and go quickly, ZW lived through some hard but also many many nice times. In two years we struggled twice with bankruptcy which might come as a surprise: a beer might still appear rather expensive compared to the supermarket around your corner. And when you visit ZW the rooms are packed full of people. But opposed to popular believe we are not funded with direct money flows, we do not pay rent, our prices are lower than at any other cultural venue in Zurich und there a many days where ZW is empty except for working bodies.
With this festival we want to celebrate two years of existence, two years of hustling to make affordable and accessible cultural events possible, two years of you visiting ZW and helping to make this space into what it is, whatever this means for you.
For ZW it means that we are able to pursue utopia: working collectively and not for profit in the city of Zurich together with wonderful artists from near to far making culture, politics and art accessible to as many as possible for the next 5 years left.

Concert Performance Festival Fête Théâtre Expérimental

Voir site officiel

lundi 20 novembre 2023 - samedi 25 novembre 2023

Organisé par: Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei
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Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei BESCHALLUNGSRAUM

Zürich: Crashkurs Klimakrise 3 – Ökologische Widerstände und Strategien

Ein Podium zur Strategiefrage der Klimabewegung mit unterschiedlichen Aktivist:innen organisiert von der Bewegung für Sozialismus und dem Klimastreik

Zürich: Crashkurs Klimakrise 3 – Ökologische Widerstände und Strategien


Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei BESCHALLUNGSRAUM

Movement Practice

In «Movement-Practice» erforschen wir gemeinsam, wie wir den Raum mit unseren Körpern gestalten können. Wir kreieren verschiedene Landschaften mit unseren Bewegungen und kommen in einen Zustand, in dem wir Impulsen freien Lauf lassen. Es geht darum die gewohnten funktionalen Bewegungsabläufe auslaufen zu lassen, unsere Gliedmassen zu verschieben und Schwerkraft, Spannung, Raum, Wärme, Impulse, Luft, Geräusche wahrzunehmen und diese in einen unerwarteten Zusammenhang zu bringen.

Gesprochene Anleitungen helfen, unsere Aufmerksamkeit zu leiten und in einen Flow der intentionsfreien Gestaltung zu gelangen.

Movement Practice

Typische Handlungen sind Untypisch

Ein Musiktheater mit und von den Wohnstätten Zwyssig.

Wir alle nutzen und erleben im Alltag unseren Körper und alle möglichen Gegenstände.
Oft in einem geregelten Ablauf und nach denselben Prinzipien. Töne und Geräusche werden schnell denselben Situationen zugeordnet.

Doch was passiert, wenn wir Handlungen in für uns untypische Zusammenhänge setzen? Wenn wir alltäglichen Klängen einen neuen Sound verpassen?
Und mit unserem Körper Musik machen?

Als Kompliz:innen erzählen wir euch eine musikalische Geschichte. Es geht um das Umkrempeln gewohnter Handlungen. Und dem anders-nutzen von Körper und Gegenständen.

Typische Handlungen sind Untypisch

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

I called this concept «ugly view», but the name itself carries a layer of irony, for the aesthetic it presents.
This art project embodies a duality, both captivating and protesting in nature. It draws its charm from the brutality, the deliberate carelessness and echo of past.
It's not an idealized image, but a raw and honest portrayal of my reality. Maybe one day you will come to this places and you will see its incredibly beautiful architecture, landscapes, you will eat extremely delicious food in aesthetic places. So don’t expect to see what you see now.
This project embraces acceptance and humility towards this harsh reality, seeking to emphasize aspects that one may wish to discard but can't, as they are rooted in our cultural identity and carry a feeling of familiarity. This fusion of attraction, critique, and preservation within the project creates a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of our past and present.

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Inspiriert von Luis Borges Taxonomie der Tiere, welches er in einem seiner Es- says (1) erwähnt, ist eine Arbeit entstanden, in welcher Anissa Nussbaumer ein Ordnungssystem des Menschen erschaffen hat. Gleichzeitig widerspiegelt das Werk eine Suche nach Möglichkeiten, den Bezug zu sich und der Welt zu verändern und aus einem bestehenden Wissenssystem auszubrechen. Die Frage, was für uns Menschen eigentlich unmöglich sei zu denken (2), führt in einen
Experimentierraum, der eine neue Ordnung ermöglicht. Wissen ist an bestimmte Kontexte gebunden, welche kulturelle wie auch gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und Normen sichtbar machen. Dieses Netz lässt sich jederzeit weiter- und neu knüpfen.

(1) Borges, Jorge Luis (1990): Die analytische Sprache von John Wilkin. In: ders., Das Eine und die Vielen. Essays zur Literatur, Frankfurt am Main, Fischer. (2) Foucault, Michel (2020): Die Ordnung der Dinge, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Non Solo Pomodoro

Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei BESCHALLUNGSRAUM

Non Solo Pomodoro

Lara, Mo und Gregor gestalten in kulinarischer und künstlerischer Zusammenarbeit nun schon zum zweiten Mal ein Abendessen in der Zentralwäscherei.
Schon in früheren Kollaborationen zwischen Mo und Gregor war das Essen und speziell dessen gemeinschaftliche Komponente der fotografischen und installativen Arbeit von großer Bedeutung.
Wir Freuen uns mit der Veranstaltung in der ZW den Fokus noch mehr auf gemeinsames Essen und Zusammensein zu richten und Euch zu einem Znacht der etwas spezielleren Art einzuladen, der den Humor und die Leichtigkeit unserer künstlerischen Arbeit nicht verloren hat! Wir wollen eine offene und gemeinschaftliche Atmosphäre schaffen, die ein kollektives Bewusstsein dafür schafft wie uns ein gemeinsames Essen nicht nur physisch sondern auch seelisch nährt!
Eine herzliche Einladung und ein warmes willkommen!
Wir Freuen uns auf Euch!
Lara, Mo und Gregor

Reservation via Petzi oder Walk-ins möglich!

Non Solo Pomodoro


Hanson ( BE )
Hanson veranstaltet seit 15 Jahren die legendäre
„Singles Night ➟ The 7“ Record Player Party“ in Bern.
In dieser Zeit haben sich viele spezielle 7“ Vinyl Singles in seinen Plattenkisten eingenistet.
Am 22. November wird Hanson einen Mix aus Easy Listening über obskurem Psychedelic bis hin zum Funky Disco Sound spielen.


Half Notes Selectors

Johann and Yunus the mighty jazzers will present some of their favorite records and tunes from near and far.
Half notes only and selected of course.

Half Notes Selectors


Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei BESCHALLUNGSRAUM

Fleisch oder wie wir uns zart halten können

Wie wollen wir’s treiben und wenn ja, wie weit?
Was berührt uns und wie wollen wir berühren, uns berühren - lassen?
Wie können wir in unsere Abgründe liegen und uns da geborgen fühlen?
Was bewegt uns und wie wollen wir bewegen?

Baby i am Porn This Way!

Eine provokante Zärtlichkeit wagen.
Ein Annäherungsversuch

Trigger Warning: explizite Sprache und Inhalte

Tanja Spielmann

Anna Habegger
Anouk Ammann
Bianca Souza
Annina Brand
Christian Pennata
Irina Scheidegger
Jonas Schaerer
Lea Rapp
Luc Bonnard
Maria Wynistorf
Sophia Losinger

Julia Urech
Lea Niedermann

Imogen MacPherson

Fleisch oder wie wir uns zart halten können

Shine Like A Diamond – DIY FASHIONSHOW

Shine like a diamond – DIY FASHIONSHOW

Wir, eine bunte Gruppe von Flintapersonen, hatten einfach Bock eine Modeschau zu machen und haben uns gedacht: alright, let’s do this!
Basteln, ausprobieren, skillsharing und uns zu beweisen, das ist unser Ziel. Was ist Mode für uns und bräuchten wir ein Modestudium dafür? Können wir ohne ein Schnittmuster unsere Modeideen umsetzen, also direkt drauflos kreieren oder müssen wir genauer arbeiten? Wer von uns bringt welche Skills mit und wie können wir sie uns gegenseitig beibringen?
Wer trägt Mode und wie wird sie, auf Grund deren die sie tragen, gelesen?
Aus was besteht unsere Mode und was machen diese Materialien mit uns und unseren Körpern, beziehungsweise mit denjenigen der Models?
Wie wird Mode vermarktet?
Diese Fragen stehen im Raum. Um unsere Antworten zu sehen, joint unsere Modeschau!
Und nie vergessen: always: shine bright like a diamond.

Shine Like A Diamond – DIY FASHIONSHOW


Die Idee des Cyphers ist FLINTAQ-Personen, welche noch newbies in der rap-szene sind und noch nicht genügend Tracks oder connections für eine show haben, eine Bühne zu bieten.
Der Space ist dazu gedacht sie mit anderen Rapper_innen zu vernetzten um eine solidarische Unterstützungskultur zu etablieren.

Wir rufen hiermit alle Rap-begeisterten FLINTAQ-Personen auf sich den Raum zu nehmen und ihre Rhymes zu spitten und die crowd zum bouncen zu bringen! Denn was die cis-boy können, können wir schon lange!

FLINTAQ ist eine Abkürzung und steht für Frauen, Lesbische, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans, agender und Genderqueere Personen.

*Cypher beschreibt ein Rap "Chreisli" in dem nacheinander oder auch zusammen Rapper*innen auftreten.


Parki Kitchen Takeover

Parki Takeover @ ZW Kleinwäscherei
Donnerstag, 23.11.23 ab 19 Uhr

Der Park Platz ist zu Besuch in der Zentralwäscherei – mit Parki Chuchi alla mediterranea und einem Songquiz-Spieleabend!

Parki Kitchen Takeover

Mike Burns

The DJ from Vienna has been driven by a singular passion for almost 25 years now, that of course being music. Music that draws you in, takes you for a ride and brings you back home. Music dripping with funk and radiating euphoria. Music out of the ordinary and music that simply puts a smile on your face. Notoriously enthusiastic about playing records, it's this energy he tries to share in his mixes and on any dance floors willing to engage...

His career started towards the end of the last century soundtracking bars with the mellow "Vienna sound" during the week and playing raves on weekends. By the mid-2000s, his obsession with vintage sounds started taking overhand, leading him to explore all things cosmic and disco from around the world.

Over the following years, a monthly show at Vienna´s first online radio, the now defunct and a string of disco edit releases gained him some followers around the globe. In recent years he's been most known for his excursions into the tropical sound, which he featured in countless mixes, parties around Europe and his Club Majik night in Vienna. The post pandemic era sees him continue the never-ending search for that perfect tune for the perfect moment, from dream to dance and anywhere in between...

Mike Burns


Introduction by Dominik André:

«Hing wanders on cosmic paths – musically speaking. This is not only evident in his radio show on Callshop Radio „Domestic Mind Wandering“, but is also the theme you quickly recognise when you listen to his DJ sets.

At some point, he developed his enthusiasm for the alternative side of club music with influences that go beyond the sweaty dance floors. It is therefore no surprise that he likes dolphins as much as he likes to DJ when asked to do so.»


Callshop Radio x Pluto

Callshop Radio is an independently opperating Community Radio based in Düsseldorf, Leipzig & Vienna. Focussing on local Artists in each City we operate in, we try to leave Rules and boundaries behind. This way we give our Guests the maximum Freedom to express themselfes, as they take us along their Journey.

For this Radio Show they team up with the people from Pluto to curate a local lineup, streaming online as well as live in the UG of ZWZ.

Callshop Radio x Pluto

Laura Adriana Weibel / 29

A moment.
Newness, babies, breakups, Pensionskasse.
Wind, skin, faces and blue nailpolish.

Laura Adriana Weibel / 29

Tetiana Kartasheva

Tetiana Kartasheva is a visual artist based in Zurich. Her work focuses on the interplay of blank space and organic shapes, expressed on various mediums, including paper, canvas, and as installations. Her art evokes resonances and invites viewers to search the points of equilibrium. At the upcoming festival, Tetiana will be adding her touch to the space by creating wall drawings in multiple locations of the festival.

Tetiana Kartasheva

Salla Ruppa / Hast du was zu beichten?

Hast du was zu beichten?
-Come clean in the collective loundry room confessional!

«Waschen ist ästhetisch, hygienisch, psychohygienisch. Oft liegt die Waschküche auf dem Grund eines Gebäudes, sowas wie das Unterbewusstsein eines Hauses, die Psyche, das Nackte, der Keller, der frühere Fluss, oder Brunnen, wo wir unsere Kleidung reinigen, die wir auf der Haut tragen unsere Nacktheit schützt...und was wir da alles weg waschen, ist intim, Schweiss, Sperma, Periodenflecken, Hundekacke, Staub, Fettflecken - da unten in der Waschküche, am Fluss - eine wahre Katharsis».

Salla Ruppa / Hast du was zu beichten?

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Inspiriert von Luis Borges Taxonomie der Tiere, welches er in einem seiner Es- says (1) erwähnt, ist eine Arbeit entstanden, in welcher Anissa Nussbaumer ein Ordnungssystem des Menschen erschaffen hat. Gleichzeitig widerspiegelt das Werk eine Suche nach Möglichkeiten, den Bezug zu sich und der Welt zu verändern und aus einem bestehenden Wissenssystem auszubrechen. Die Frage, was für uns Menschen eigentlich unmöglich sei zu denken (2), führt in einen
Experimentierraum, der eine neue Ordnung ermöglicht. Wissen ist an bestimmte Kontexte gebunden, welche kulturelle wie auch gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und Normen sichtbar machen. Dieses Netz lässt sich jederzeit weiter- und neu knüpfen.

(1) Borges, Jorge Luis (1990): Die analytische Sprache von John Wilkin. In: ders., Das Eine und die Vielen. Essays zur Literatur, Frankfurt am Main, Fischer. (2) Foucault, Michel (2020): Die Ordnung der Dinge, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

I called this concept «ugly view», but the name itself carries a layer of irony, for the aesthetic it presents.
This art project embodies a duality, both captivating and protesting in nature. It draws its charm from the brutality, the deliberate carelessness and echo of past.
It's not an idealized image, but a raw and honest portrayal of my reality. Maybe one day you will come to this places and you will see its incredibly beautiful architecture, landscapes, you will eat extremely delicious food in aesthetic places. So don’t expect to see what you see now.
This project embraces acceptance and humility towards this harsh reality, seeking to emphasize aspects that one may wish to discard but can't, as they are rooted in our cultural identity and carry a feeling of familiarity. This fusion of attraction, critique, and preservation within the project creates a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of our past and present.

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova


Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei BESCHALLUNGSRAUM

Güner Künier

Güner Künier is deploying her voice over old school and industrial drums infused
with lo-fi guitar and synthesizer sounds. Her debut album also invokes a psychedelic
70s vibe, although it's been adapted for the present day. You'll also find some
synthwave tracks and Turkish lyrics in there. It features a great mix of genres which
leads to a unique style. Her stunning live performances over the past few years have
also sent strong and promising signals.

Güner Künier

Saeko Killy

'Morphing Polaroids' is the debut album by Japanese born Saeko Okuchi alias Saeko Killy for
Hamburg-based Bureau B. After moving to Berlin in 2018 Saeko Killy found herself in the orb
of Club Sameheads, where she made herself known as a DJ and live performer. After releasing
her first EP "Dancing Pikapika" with the label Chill Mountain from Osaka in 2021, followed a
fruitful Jam session during the pandemic lockdown, resulting in the eleven titles collected
together here for the album 'Morphing Polaroids' produced by Brussels DJ and selector soFa
elsewhere. The LP is a contemporary Leftfield Clubsound, effortlessly combining elements of
Dub, Post-Punk and Kraut with electronic Beats.

Saeko Killy


ENL heisst eigentlich ES NERVT LANGSAM, wollen es aber nicht an die allzu grosse Glocke hängen. Man stelle sich vor: Wirklich sehr ernst gemeint alberne House- und Technobeats, casual Hass auf cis Männer und Weltschmerz in der Afterhour: «Hou mi da use oder hou mi ufe Chopf.» (Alice Galizia)


Rolling Disco With Music By Sendwich & DJ Mozzarella

Rolling Disco for all things rolling, this disco is wheelchair friendly and you can join us with your E-Trotti or come by and rent roller skates! Partying on wheels for our annual festival we try to keep rolling with the times and you are more then welcome to join us for that. The event takes place in our halle with music by Sendwich from Midnight Snack Collective and DJ Mozzarella.

Rolling Disco With Music By Sendwich & DJ Mozzarella

DJ Mozzarella

DJ Mozzarella kennt sich zwar ein bisschen besser mit drehenden Rollschuhrädern als mit drehenden Plattentellern aus. Dafür weiss er genau, mit welchen Beats es sich am besten durch die Strassen von Zürich rollt und welche Tracks den Swag vom Rollschuhfahren perfekt machen. Ausserdem steht er auf kitschige Lovesongs und haarsträubende Mashups.

DJ Mozzarella

Solikaraoke Live Band Mit Tombola

Egal ob Antifahymmne oder Kitsch aus den 90ern – bei Solikaraoke bleibt kein Mund still! Die Band aus Zürich macht Live-Karaoke. Sie spielen, ihr singt! So kommt ihr alle zu euren 161 Seconds of Fame! Ölt eure Stimmen und macht euch ready für musikalisches Beisammensein und unerwartete Performances. Besser sind ihr alli da!

Die Soli-Einnahmen werden an INAYA, eine Solistruktur für geflüchtete Frauen und genderqueere Menschen, und die Kampagne ZÄME HEBE ZÄME STAH gespendet, die sich an Repressionskosten rund um den ersten Mai in Zürich beteiligt.

Solikaraoke Live Band Mit Tombola

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

I called this concept «ugly view», but the name itself carries a layer of irony, for the aesthetic it presents.
This art project embodies a duality, both captivating and protesting in nature. It draws its charm from the brutality, the deliberate carelessness and echo of past.
It's not an idealized image, but a raw and honest portrayal of my reality. Maybe one day you will come to this places and you will see its incredibly beautiful architecture, landscapes, you will eat extremely delicious food in aesthetic places. So don’t expect to see what you see now.
This project embraces acceptance and humility towards this harsh reality, seeking to emphasize aspects that one may wish to discard but can't, as they are rooted in our cultural identity and carry a feeling of familiarity. This fusion of attraction, critique, and preservation within the project creates a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of our past and present.

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

Tetiana Kartasheva

Tetiana Kartasheva is a visual artist based in Zurich. Her work focuses on the interplay of blank space and organic shapes, expressed on various mediums, including paper, canvas, and as installations. Her art evokes resonances and invites viewers to search the points of equilibrium. At the upcoming festival, Tetiana will be adding her touch to the space by creating wall drawings in multiple locations of the festival.

Tetiana Kartasheva

Laura Adriana Weibel / 29

A moment.
Newness, babies, breakups, Pensionskasse.
Wind, skin, faces and blue nailpolish.

Laura Adriana Weibel / 29

Salla Ruppa / Hast du was zu beichten?

Hast du was zu beichten?
-Come clean in the collective loundry room confessional!

«Waschen ist ästhetisch, hygienisch, psychohygienisch. Oft liegt die Waschküche auf dem Grund eines Gebäudes, sowas wie das Unterbewusstsein eines Hauses, die Psyche, das Nackte, der Keller, der frühere Fluss, oder Brunnen, wo wir unsere Kleidung reinigen, die wir auf der Haut tragen unsere Nacktheit schützt...und was wir da alles weg waschen, ist intim, Schweiss, Sperma, Periodenflecken, Hundekacke, Staub, Fettflecken - da unten in der Waschküche, am Fluss - eine wahre Katharsis».

Salla Ruppa / Hast du was zu beichten?

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Inspiriert von Luis Borges Taxonomie der Tiere, welches er in einem seiner Es- says (1) erwähnt, ist eine Arbeit entstanden, in welcher Anissa Nussbaumer ein Ordnungssystem des Menschen erschaffen hat. Gleichzeitig widerspiegelt das Werk eine Suche nach Möglichkeiten, den Bezug zu sich und der Welt zu verändern und aus einem bestehenden Wissenssystem auszubrechen. Die Frage, was für uns Menschen eigentlich unmöglich sei zu denken (2), führt in einen
Experimentierraum, der eine neue Ordnung ermöglicht. Wissen ist an bestimmte Kontexte gebunden, welche kulturelle wie auch gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und Normen sichtbar machen. Dieses Netz lässt sich jederzeit weiter- und neu knüpfen.

(1) Borges, Jorge Luis (1990): Die analytische Sprache von John Wilkin. In: ders., Das Eine und die Vielen. Essays zur Literatur, Frankfurt am Main, Fischer. (2) Foucault, Michel (2020): Die Ordnung der Dinge, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Callshop Radio x Pluto

Callshop Radio is an independently opperating Community Radio based in Düsseldorf, Leipzig & Vienna. Focussing on local Artists in each City we operate in, we try to leave Rules and boundaries behind. This way we give our Guests the maximum Freedom to express themselfes, as they take us along their Journey.

For this Radio Show they team up with the people from Pluto to curate a local lineup, streaming online as well as live in the UG of ZWZ.

Callshop Radio x Pluto


Sendwich will DJs und Musikliebhabende zusammenbringen. Alleine, mit @tune4tune4 oder dem @midnight_snack_collective steht sie für: “Nieder den (Genre-)Grenzen, hoch dem Queerfeminismus”. P.S. ich weiss nicht in welcher BPM-Range ich heute spiele.



Kulturraum Zentralwäscherei BESCHALLUNGSRAUM


As electricity blossoms and leafs glisten, upsammy creates interpretative space, cleverly paradoxical in its concurrent comfort and desolation. With a keen ear for crystalline melody and intricate rhythm, her music sculpts a certain perpetuity and spatiality, sliding across tempo scales, while retaining an organic touch as a gentle hum of nature digitized. Often working together with visual artist Sjoerd Martens during their live show, the two create kaleidoscopic terrains built from micro textures and field recordings, fluidly mixing between inner and outer environments. Guided by an adventurous and narrative approach, this vividness is present in her DJ sets as well. The music she plays takes cues from trippy electronics, the more experimental side of DnB and oddball techno, but tries to avoid clear genres. As a DJ she consolidated a firm position in the contemporary left-field music world, which includes a residency at NTS Radio and Amsterdam club Garage Noord and invitations to festivals such as Unsound and Rewire. Having studied Image and Media Technology at the Utrecht University of the Arts, Thessa Torsing (real name) is intrigued by the rhythms and vibrational qualities of her surroundings – shaping a singular aesthetic that blurs the synthetic – natural divide. As a multidisciplinary artist she researches these interactions through sound, photography and video, explorations which simultaneously influence her music production process. Since 2017 Torsing has released a string of singles and EPs on labels Nous’klaer Audio, AD93 and Die Orakel. Her gift for full-length composition is showcased through her albums on Nous’klaer Audio (Wild Chamber, 2019), Dekmantel (Zoom, 2020) and PAN (Germ in a Population of Buildings, 2023). Torsing lives and works in Amsterdam.



Berlin based Dj & Producer who certainly earned his own sound-signature that neatly evokes the roots
between House, Techno & Electro where seductive joy and solid-profound swing rhythms are both
equally combined. He crafted his unique musical-imprint Releasing on his own platform "Superluminal",
consequently on labels such as Faciendo, Cabaret, Art Of Dark, Foundation.
An Artist with a never-ending enthusiasm in increasing his record collection and individual knowledge.
His apparition in many of the most prestigious venues such as Flex, Closer, Club Der Visionaere, Fabric,
Port and many more makes him an highly respected figure devoted to the art-of mixing.



Only a handful of years in, and Mankiyan is already taking Belgium by storm.
A sure favourite of the scene, this powerhouse of the new generation is marking her territory.
Mankiyan’s mixes are full of depth, spatiality and intuition, spanning across heady dub, rave, UK bass and grime.
She toys with complex rhythm sequences and easily switches genres, with healthy splashes of bright twists – but always with an impeccable sense of pace and flow.
Mankiyan is injecting community-driven, unpretentious and unadulterated love for rave culture back into nightlife.



Crafted in the mixture of languages, of both urban and contemporary dance movement, Code#9 explores the transformative power of darkness and light. While darkness offers the possibility of infinity and the transcendency, light carves fragments of the body, thoughts, and breaths. The music offers an immersive and meditative environment that takes the audience into a dreamlike dimension. The audience can witness the crossing of various energy states, while the performer leads us in her journey.
"Code#9" has received immense recognition in the festival world in Europe and it has been performed at the "Fuorimargine" Dance Festival in Calgary, Italy, at "Derida" Dance Stage - Sofia, Bulgaria, "Jusuf Gervalla" in Kosovo, and "Dance Fest" Skopje, as well as it is expected to continue the tour in "BITEF" Theatre, Belgrade and "Kino Siska" - Ljubljana. In October, 2022, was granted the 3rd jury prize at the "MASDANZA" festival in Gran Canaria, in selection of 500 choreographies.


Molekühl (live)

Molekühl consists of several particles: since many years, she’s active as a Vinyl-DJ, musician and a forward-thinking contributor to various local electronic music institutions. her musical activities range from analogue synth trips to music for film and dance to various collaborations and live impro.
in her backpack she carries her past as a piano player, musicologist and soundscape composer which might be heard in her eerie ambient and experimental explorations. soundwise she prefers analog to digital, edgy to round

Molekühl (live)

Atrice (live)

The two sound artists behind Atrice draw inspiration from everyday encounters and digital overstimulation. Their work is influenced by acousmatic and electroacoustic music while following an intuitive approach.

With degrees in composition, music theory and sound art, they manipulate multiple sound sources through digital sound design to create tactile, sculptural sounds. Their output features varying sonic textures, acoustic gestures and organic transitions through suspended states.

On their recent releases, Atrice experiment with UK bass, deconstructed club and techno, as well as dembow and ambient, resulting in a great variety of styles. Their live and DJ sets fuse multiple genres at speeds ranging from 90 to 170 bpm. As part of the MIRAS collective, they organise events, release music and build a platform to support artists from the Swiss scene and beyond.

Atrice (live)

Weith (live)

Weith is a producer and musician based in Geneva (CH) originally from Romania. Known for his obsession with synthesiser manuals and electronic music instruments he’s been producing and playing music for the last decade. His extensive discography is a testament to his versatility, spanning various styles and featuring releases on labels such as his own co-founded imprint, Brainwaves, as well as brokntoys, Mechatronica and many others.

For this occasion, the artist will perform a live-set on the ambient side of his musical spectrum, a fusion of his influences, drawing inspiration from the realms of drone, shoegaze and post-rock while subtly nodding to various club sub-genres.
By carefully weaving atmospheric layers, drones, field recordings, and complex rhythmic patterns, Weith leads the audience on a journey into his introspective and melancholic universe.

Weith (live)


Experience the pulse of Katinka: A fusion of industrial, ghettotech, breakbeats, jungle, and acid, all driven by the rhythmic power of the drums. Like an orchestra that shifts in intensity and tempo. Mixing acid tunes from the British 90s to contemporary percussive techno from Paris. Vocals and trance tunes add punctuation to the beat, taking the crowd on a highly energetic journey.








for guidance purposes only


Callshop Radio x Pluto

Callshop Radio is an independently opperating Community Radio based in Düsseldorf, Leipzig & Vienna. Focussing on local Artists in each City we operate in, we try to leave Rules and boundaries behind. This way we give our Guests the maximum Freedom to express themselfes, as they take us along their Journey.

For this Radio Show they team up with the people from Pluto to curate a local lineup, streaming online as well as live in the UG of ZWZ.

Callshop Radio x Pluto

Alex Kara Kara / The Highway Witch

Come visit "the highway witch", an installation by Alex Kara Kara on the 25th of November at the Zentralwäscherei. Your participation is essential. Bring glue, pens, pencils, squiggly scissors, stuff to stick, makeup, whatever you need to interact with paper.

See you there witches, TTYL

Alex Kara Kara / The Highway Witch


Siebdrucken in der ZW Siebdrucki, bring Textilien und wir bedrucken sie zusammen!


ZW-Open Day

Infos über den Verein, Möglichkeiten zum Mitmachen, Anschluss finden, Kritik äussern etc. Es wird Workshops geben und einen Briefkasten wo du uns kritische Love Letters zukommen lassen kannst! :)


Sonorisation is a complex and rather expensive domain. We believe it should be accessible to everyone whatever the budget. Learn about soundsystems and how to build & run your own rig


Fabric Fantasia: Crafting with Textile

ZW's textile workshop will open on our festival saturday and introduce you to crafting with textile. Be it glaming up your former favourite piece, reusing you old shirt that has been worn out or learning how to use a sewing machine. Come by and delve deep into a fantastic world of fabric, yarn, thread and dye.

Fabric Fantasia: Crafting with Textile

Collective reading: A Tribute to Minnie Bruce Pratt

"Collective Reading : A Tribute to Minnie Bruce Pratt'

As part of the Zentralwäscherei anniversary festival in 2023, we, Zoé (she/her) and Chloé (they/them) invite participants to join us for a collective reading session of Minnie Bruce Pratt's work. Writer and activist Minnie Bruce Pratt (1946-2023) serves as the guiding force behind this collective reading session, which explores the literary and activist legacy she left behind. Pratt is renowned as an essayist, activist, lesbian feminist, mother, educator, and longtime partner of author and trans activist Leslie Feinberg. Chronicling her life in poetry and prose, Pratt has explored her Southern, middle-class upbringing, her ten-year marriage and strained divorce, her battle to retain relationships with her sons and her subsequent life as a lesbian poet.
During this session, we will not only celebrate her contributions to poetry and LGBTQIA+ activism but also engage in a collective lecture and reflection. We will use her writings as an essential source for understanding the construction of a collective memory of queerness and comprehending the still complex dimensions of queer archiving today.
This session will also provide an opportunity to collect annotations on the text excerpts from the participants and compile them live into a single micro-edition, drawing inspiration from Pratt's powerful words. Each participant will have the opportunity to leave with their own edition as an archive of this collective moment.

Join us !

Collective reading: A Tribute to Minnie Bruce Pratt

Maksim Klopfstein / Blessed Curse

𝐵𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒 (𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙)

About Beginnings and Endings. Only so that I don’t really believe in them as we are all part of a circular system.
I understand terms like cyborg, fairy or ghost as queer, non-societal conforming entities. Thus, they are moving beyond the structures that were shaped by the western Christian institutions.

The work is based on my text 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘱𝘰𝘦𝘮.


Demons and Angels go Hand in Hand.
Heaven becomes Hell,Hell becomes Ether.
Heaven and Hell collapse into a fusion of Dark Matter and blessed soft white air singing of war and destruction.

The sky is scatters in an orange haze.
The birds are still singing their songs to the sun.
The centipie finds its way through the new born leaves.
But there are no humans left, only flesh,soul and mechanical parts.

We live in the Apocalypse, Utopian Fantasies.
The entities come from the Critical Zone living in peace and anger.
Huge heavy Spiders weaving kinship between species, classes, worlds and religions.

Yesterday the earth became deadly, the air so toxic it burns your lungs from inside out, sheds your skin as soon as the sunlight hits your body.
Today we are nurished by the contaminated nutrients in the moist boiling soil, growing seven arms and seven hearts to love and fight even harder.

We are mycellium, networks communicating beneath the green, wet grass, the funghi growing, breaking through the concrete floor. We form an alliance with the bacteria inside our human bodies conquering the repressing systems with more- than- human strenght.

I channel all the anger, enthusiasm, love and insanity inside of me and burst out into a thousand pearls of tears and laughter.
I become the tree growing on the ground filled with nuclear waste.
I become the water fludding cities, cellings tumbling down.
I become gravity moving all bodies of water through the ashes of terror.
I become the microplastic in every organism growing into somethin bigger, bigger than us, bigger than anything before.
I become the alque feasting on this deadly good.

We are shapeshiters, transforming, deconstructing
everything you‘ve known so far.

We form unity beyond our time.

Maksim Klopfstein / Blessed Curse

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

I called this concept «ugly view», but the name itself carries a layer of irony, for the aesthetic it presents.
This art project embodies a duality, both captivating and protesting in nature. It draws its charm from the brutality, the deliberate carelessness and echo of past.
It's not an idealized image, but a raw and honest portrayal of my reality. Maybe one day you will come to this places and you will see its incredibly beautiful architecture, landscapes, you will eat extremely delicious food in aesthetic places. So don’t expect to see what you see now.
This project embraces acceptance and humility towards this harsh reality, seeking to emphasize aspects that one may wish to discard but can't, as they are rooted in our cultural identity and carry a feeling of familiarity. This fusion of attraction, critique, and preservation within the project creates a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of our past and present.

Ugly View / Oleksandra Ahapova

Tetiana Kartasheva

Tetiana Kartasheva is a visual artist based in Zurich. Her work focuses on the interplay of blank space and organic shapes, expressed on various mediums, including paper, canvas, and as installations. Her art evokes resonances and invites viewers to search the points of equilibrium. At the upcoming festival, Tetiana will be adding her touch to the space by creating wall drawings in multiple locations of the festival.

Tetiana Kartasheva

Laura Adriana Weibel / 29

A moment.
Newness, babies, breakups, Pensionskasse.
Wind, skin, faces and blue nailpolish.

Laura Adriana Weibel / 29


Drug Checking am Samstag, 25.11.23 powered by
Lasst eure Pillen, Tropfen und Pulver testen - gratis und anonym! Du findest uns ab 22 Uhr im Untergeschoss.


Salla Ruppa / Hast du was zu beichten?

Hast du was zu beichten?
-Come clean in the collective loundry room confessional!

«Waschen ist ästhetisch, hygienisch, psychohygienisch. Oft liegt die Waschküche auf dem Grund eines Gebäudes, sowas wie das Unterbewusstsein eines Hauses, die Psyche, das Nackte, der Keller, der frühere Fluss, oder Brunnen, wo wir unsere Kleidung reinigen, die wir auf der Haut tragen unsere Nacktheit schützt...und was wir da alles weg waschen, ist intim, Schweiss, Sperma, Periodenflecken, Hundekacke, Staub, Fettflecken - da unten in der Waschküche, am Fluss - eine wahre Katharsis».

Salla Ruppa / Hast du was zu beichten?

Michèle Janata - Leib_Licht_Raum

How do space and time actually exist in the most basic foundations of our existence? Color, light create world and by means of partly spontaneous and choreographed movement with light as a dialogue tool I would like to invite to push the boundaries of our imagination. The entire interior space is to be irradiated. I believe people share the
longing to dive deeper into themselves/their environment through light and shadow, through color and form. To map the body in space, the soul in space, so that it opens our minds and makes us think about what reality (or realities?) we create, maintain or exclude while inhabiting the (un)defined (human) body. Having trained with glass in my BFA and completed my academic art training with a degree in Fine Arts at the Karlsruhe Art Academy, I am more interested than ever in the theory of chaos. I work interdisciplinarily, across many mediums, and am currently experimenting with AR as well. The deep mystery of how our universe is based on irregular patterns and chaotic systems is something to be explored by all means.

Michèle Janata - Leib_Licht_Raum

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen

Inspiriert von Luis Borges Taxonomie der Tiere, welches er in einem seiner Es- says (1) erwähnt, ist eine Arbeit entstanden, in welcher Anissa Nussbaumer ein Ordnungssystem des Menschen erschaffen hat. Gleichzeitig widerspiegelt das Werk eine Suche nach Möglichkeiten, den Bezug zu sich und der Welt zu verändern und aus einem bestehenden Wissenssystem auszubrechen. Die Frage, was für uns Menschen eigentlich unmöglich sei zu denken (2), führt in einen
Experimentierraum, der eine neue Ordnung ermöglicht. Wissen ist an bestimmte Kontexte gebunden, welche kulturelle wie auch gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und Normen sichtbar machen. Dieses Netz lässt sich jederzeit weiter- und neu knüpfen.

(1) Borges, Jorge Luis (1990): Die analytische Sprache von John Wilkin. In: ders., Das Eine und die Vielen. Essays zur Literatur, Frankfurt am Main, Fischer. (2) Foucault, Michel (2020): Die Ordnung der Dinge, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.

Anissa Nussbaumer / Menschen lassen sich in folgende Kategorien unterteilen


the dark encounter of a common sense.
sharing an attitude for the pure form.

1h of improvised analog craftship.


Half Notes At The Smoke Floor

Half Notes At The Smoke Floor will transform our Halle into the Jazz Floor you have always dreamed of. Smoke, half notes all the way, dimmed lights, silent chatter, good drinks and a lot of vibes. The concept is straightforward: different Jazz ensembles play almost all night long live!

Half Notes At The Smoke Floor

Schleuse Beauty Salon

it’s höchste-zeit für du!
its time to look anders!
its zeit to shine!

im schönheitssalon “chez dich”
bekommst du die behandlung, die du dir wert bist! für die party, für das morgen, für dich selbst!

Schleuse Beauty Salon