The Anomalys / support Wolfer
Price starting at CHF 21.00
Get ticketsThe Anomalys (primitive rock ’n rol)
For a band that took the equivalent of three presidential cycles to release a new record, they didn't waste any momentum or ideas releasing this one. Two years after their triumphant return with the Glitch album, these supercharged Dutch-Franco surf punks storm back with their latest release, Down The Hole, and by CROM, it's a no-nonsense beast of an effort. With the slow n's hypnotic, reverb-heavy single "Anxiety" already released upon the album's initial announcement, Slovenly Recordings offers up the opposite tempo as the record's next single with the speed-riffs and live break-beats of "Despair."
Wolfer (Alternative Rock/ Noiserock)
Menschen, die in einer sinnlosen Welt nach einem Sinn suchen – wolfer schöpfen Energie aus diesem Spannungsfeld. Das Trio bietet einen rohen und hypnotischen Musikstil, der kraftvolle Riffs, stampfende Rhythmen und eine fesselnde Stimme in einer chaotischen und zugleich traumhaften Ästhetik vereint, die von Part Chimp beeinflusst und von einer intensiven und klaren Produktion getragen wird.
Wednesday 12 February 2025
Rössli Bar - Verein Restaurant Sous Le Pont – Bern
- Doors open at:
20:00 - Event starts at:
Organized by: Rössli Bar - Verein Restaurant Sous Le Pont