Tales of Wrath presents: Excarnated Entity (USA) | Intellect Devourer (AUS) | Ascendency (DK)
Price starting at CHF 20.00
Get ticketsTales of Wrath proudly presents: Excarnated Entity (USA) | Intellect Devourer (AUS) | Ascendency (DK)
Join us on a full night of face melting, bone rattling, spine chilling Death Metal from three continents!
Excarnated Entity is an absolute Death Doom BEAST, hailing from Portland Oregon.
Since their founding in 2018 they're leaving craters right, left and center.
Intellect Devourer from Australia are active since 1991 and an outstanding hidden gem of raw, unhinged, all devouring Death Thrash.
Last but not least, Denmarks Ascendency will unleash an absolute hailstorm of fierce riffs and blastbeats. Relentless Blackened Death Metal as it should be played.
Doors: 21:00
Show: 21:30
Friday 18 April 2025
Hirscheneck – Basel
- Doors open at:
21:00 - Event starts at:
Organized by: Hirscheneck