Queers for Palestine: No Pride in Apartheid

Join us in collaboration with MENA Pride, Basel for Palestine, and Humbug as we take a stand against celebrating Pride while ignoring the brutal injustices and massacres faced by Palestinians. There is no pride in apartheid. We must stand up for the oppressed everywhere, for no one is free until everyone is free.

📅  21/06
📍  Humbug 

- **18:00** - Mingle Session & Book Reading Club
- **19:45** - Pink Washing Presentation
- **20:15** - Dinner
- **23:00** - DJ Night

We invite you to join us and stand with us for justice, equality, and the unwavering belief that everyone deserves freedom. 

There will be an art sale and t-shirt sale, with all proceeds donated to the cause. ✊🏽

#NoPrideInApartheid #MENAForPalestine #StandWithPalestine #EndApartheid #LGBTQSolidarity #EqualityForAll


Friday 21 June 2024

HUMBUG – Basel

  • Doors open at:
  • Event starts at:
Organized by: Humbug
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Queers for Palestine: No Pride in Apartheid