End Hits: Big Brave, Aicher, Kee Avil

Price starting at CHF 28.00

Get tickets

Big Brave (Montreal | Thrill Jockey)
→ https://www.bigbrave.ca/
→ https://www.instagram.com/big_brave_

Aicher (København | Downwards Records)
→ https://aicher.bandcamp.com/
→ https://www.instagram.com/liam_andrews

Kee Avil (Montreal | Constellation)
→ https://keeavil.com/
→ https://www.facebook.com/keeavil/

Tags: Konzert, Rock, Metal, Ambient, Post Metal
Abendkasse: 28.-
Bar & Kasse: Cash Only 💸

BIG|BRAVE, the elemental ensemble of guitarist/vocalist Robin Wattie, guitarist Mathieu Ball, and drummer Tasy Hudson, harness an earthen heaviness composed of distorted and textural drones, austere bombast, and Wattie’s heart-rending voice. Like recent collaborators The Body, BIG|BRAVE is at the forefront of reconfiguring the landscape of heavy music. The trio brandish sparseness and density like weapons, cast tense atmospheres with languid tempos and mutate feedback into eruptions of enveloping tempests. nature morte sharpens BIG|BRAVE’s ferocity and expansive sound into emotional elegies for the disenfranchised, wringing abstracted textures and pure fervence into songs of unfathomable mass.

Bonne Volonté Ticket:

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Wähle dazu die "Bonne Volonté"-Ticketvariante (Ticketpreis + 15 Fr. Bonné Volonté).
Mehr Infos zum "Bonne Volonté" - Ticket unter: www.dachstock.ch/bvt

Is culture and it's accessibility important to you? Enable financially less privileged people access to Dachstock with the "Bonne Volonté" ticket.
Choose the "Bonne Volonté" ticket variant (ticket price + 15 Fr. Bonné Volonté).
More information on the "Bonne Volonté" ticket at: www.dachstock.ch/bvt

Dachstock Reitschule

Concert Experimental Metal Rock

See the official website

Monday 6 May 2024

Dachstock – Bern

  • Doors open at:
  • Event starts at:
Organized by: Dachstock
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End Hits: Big Brave, Aicher, Kee Avil