Midilux: Eversines, Amygdala, Racker

Evesines (Amsterdam | De Lichting )

Amygdala (Zürich)

Racker (Bern | Midilux)

Tags: Party, Techno, House, Acid, Tech House
Abendkasse: 20.-
Bar & Kasse: Cash Only 💸

Eversines is a producer and DJ residing in Amsterdam. He’s been producing for over a decade, co-runs record label De Lichting and focuses on the energetic yet dreamy side of electronic music.

In 2019 his debut album was put out through Wex Records, after which releases on yeyeh / ninih came forth including a solo outing and a special collaboration with thereminist Carolina Eyck titled ‘Waves’.

De Lichting being a close group of friends and Eversines’ home- base, he’s always a part of the well received double vinyl compi- lations they put out, and had his debut on Kalahari Oyster Cult in 2020 with ‘Plooi’. He recently released on labels like Animals On Psychedelics, Nous’Klaer and Lonely Planet Records, with more re- leases in the pipeline for well-respected labels.

Bonne Volonté Ticket:

Kultur und deren Zugänglichkeit ist dir wichtig? Ermögliche mit dem "Bonne Volonté" - Ticket finanziell weniger privilegierten Menschen den Zugang zum Dachstock.
Wähle dazu die "Bonne Volonté"-Ticketvariante (Ticketpreis + 15 Fr. Bonné Volonté).
Mehr Infos zum "Bonne Volonté" - Ticket unter: www.dachstock.ch/bvt

Is culture and it's accessibility important to you? Enable financially less privileged people access to Dachstock with the "Bonne Volonté" ticket.
Choose the "Bonne Volonté" ticket variant (ticket price + 15 Fr. Bonné Volonté).
More information on the "Bonne Volonté" ticket at: www.dachstock.ch/bvt

Dachstock Reitschule

Club Party

See the official website

Saturday 17 February 2024

Dachstock – Bern

  • Doors open at:
  • Event starts at:
Organized by: Dachstock
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Midilux: Eversines, Amygdala, Racker