Seine Wurzeln halten ihm den Rücken frei aber nicht fest, darum kann JESSE ROYAL mit seiner Musik von der Insel aus weit über den Horizont von Genretreue hinaus blicken. Reggae? Dancehall? Festlegen will JESSE ROYAL sich nicht, sieht seine Musik mehr als Ausdruck seiner Wahrnehmung, weswegen neben von Damien Marley produzierte Songs auch Collabs mit Künstlern wie Major Lazer auf dem Tagesprogramm stehen. Auch wenn die zum Teil sehr sonnigen Beats vielleicht auf etwas anders schliessen lassen, täuscht euch nicht. JESSE ROYAL ist eine alte Seele in jungem Gewand, der die Probleme und Zusammenhänge versteht und sich immer wieder systemkritisch positioniert. Sei es in seiner Musik, in Interviews oder beim Anbauen in seinem Gemüsegarten. Weil uns aber ein Reggae-Wunderkind nicht reicht, haben wir noch NAOMI COWAN ins Boot gesetzt. Mit ihrer 90ies R’n’B-Angel Stimme und ihrem Können am Klavier und der Gitarre würde man NAOMI COWAN wohl auch nicht in die klassische Reggae-Schublade stecken, muss aber auch nicht sein. Ihre Musik hat sie in den letzten zwei Jahren einmal um die halbe Welt geschickt und das hat seine berechtigten Gründe. An der Afterparty gibt’s dann noch die volle Ladung Ragga und Dancehall-Hits von SELECTRESS RULIN’FIRE.
Saturday 16 November 2019
Dachstock – Bern
- Doors open at:
21:00 - Event starts at:
Organized by: Dachstock

With popular mixtapes, hit singles and now his debut album, JESSE ROYAL is establishing himself as one of the next reggae superstars to emerge from Jamaica. Jesse's reputation has been steadily building over the past half- decade. His versatile singjay style recalls some of the giants of reggae history, however his diverse musical taste and restless artistic spirit have set him on a unique path that is helping propel the genre into new territory.
His debut album, “Lily Of Da Valley” went straight to No1 on the Billboard Reggae Charts and was hailed by critics as one of the greatest reggae albums of 2017. The project includes Hits such as “Modern Day Judas” and “Finally” which have garnered a combined 10 MILLION plays on streaming services worldwide so far.
Having collaborated with a wide range of Genres (Collab’s with MAJOR LAZER, BAD BRAINS and more) – he has already been covered by Major media outlets such as VOGUE and VICE. He obviously thrives on the unconventional approach, while still keeping grounded in the history of reggae – because to JESSE, he is not reviving the past; he is firmly rooted in the here and now, with an eye on the future.
Singer & Songwriter Naomi Cowan, is no stranger to the world of music and entertainment; she is a child of what many consider to be reggae royalty. Born & raised in Kingston, Jamaica under the mentorship of her parents Tommy Cowan, OD (reggae music producer, songwriter & former road manager for Bob Marley) & Carlene Davis-Cowan, OD (international reggae vocalist). Touted as one of the top rising female artists in Caribbean music, Cowan was recognized as the Breakthrough Reggae Artist of 2018 at the 2019 Jamaica Reggae Industry Awards. With a musical background in piano and acoustic guitar, Naomi has developed a knack for finding beautiful top line melodies with catchy hooks.
Naomi’s unique, raspy vocal tone and stellar live performance abilities have opened the way for her to stand amongst the greats. Notable moments include, being a 2019 Brand Ambassador for the Bob Marley Foundation, opening for grammy- award winning R&B artist Estelle, gracing the cover of Buzzz Magazine’s April issue, Performing on Reggae Sumfest 2018, collaborating with UK-based Fashion brand Coconautical on a Topshop promotion, and she has performed on events in Trinidad, Miami, Toronto, New York, British Virgin Islands, Cayman & across the island of Jamaica. Having kicked off Summer 2019 with her first European festival in London, Naomi is booked to continue performing in Europe on the Uppsalla Reggae Festival in Sweden and the BoomTown Fair Festival in Hampshire, United Kingdom. New York City will also see Naomi performing at the Jamaican Jerk Festival in Queens.
Her hit single ‘Paradise Plum’ has topped several reggae charts and has become a staple in the new wave of reggae music.
The former Miss Teen Jamaica’s passion for philanthropy can be seen through her work with youth in both Toronto & Jamaica. She is a speaker on the We Inspire Girls to be Strong Women tour, an island-wide initiative endorsed by the Ministry of Education where women empower high school girls through events and small group talks to maximize their true potential. Naomi also mentors youth through the Manifesto Jamaica program and We Transform Jamaica.