Il y a de la vérité dans l’adage “moins, c’est plus”, particulièrement en ce qui concerne The Slow Show. Avec ce nom qui réussit sans effort à capturer toute l’essence du groupe, le quatuor basé à Manchester se caractérise par une capacité innée à créer des récits chargés d’émotions. Ceux-ci se superposent délicatement au travers de compositions riches en détails qui paraissent au premier abord s’inscrire dans un cadre minimaliste.
Une telle description impressionne mais ne surprend pas, surtout lorsqu’on prend en compte les influences et les contextes multiples et variés qui ont marqué le groupe – musicalement bien sûr, mais aussi bien au-delà.
Tout comme la relation entre fiction et vie réelle a imprimé sa marque sur les paroles de The Slow Show, la relation entre le classique et le contemporain a fait de même sur ses compositions. Plutôt que de pencher pour l’une ou l’autre de ces esthétiques, c’est en choisissant de combiner les deux que The Slow Show s’est construit sa voix unique.
Après deux premiers albums et une pause d’une année loin des scènes, The Slow Show travaille sur un nouvel opus, qui sortira courant 2019. Les influences multiples du groupe se laissent pleinement sentir dans la grandeur tentaculaire de leur dernier single, Sharp Scratch (publié le 6 février) – une épopée de quatre minutes aussi fragile qu’elle est imposante.
Le chanteur, Goodwin, parle du morceau en ces termes : “This song was written during a period of chronic pain and ill health. Whilst not explicit, it deals with the precarious nature of our health and the associated anxiety, hope and despair.”
Avec les possibilités infinies de leur troisième album à portée de main et une tournée à venir, l’année 2019 promet de sourire à The Slow Show.

The Slow Show, c’est:
Rob Goodwin (voix, guitare)
Frederik 't Kindt (keyboards)
Joel Byrne-McCullough (guitare principale)
Chris Hough (batterie)


Weniger ist mehr ». Dieses minimalistische Motto enthält bestimmt eine Menge Wahrheit, zumindest wenn es um The Slow Show geht. Bereits im Namen klingt das Ethos der Band an: Oberflächlich und schnell konsumierbar gibt’s nicht. Die aus Manchester stammende Band kreiert in ihren Songs emotional aufgeladene Erzählungen, welche in in vielschichtige und fein ziselierte Kompositionen eingebettet langsam langsam eine unglaublich Wucht entfalten. Dabei gelingt ihnen der Spagat bei aller Opulenz - Chöre! Streicher! Orchester! - die zarte Fragilität und minimalistische Schönheit eines Bienchen-Flügels zu behalten.
Und wie so oft (versucht): die Chemie macht’s aus. Die Bandmitglieder lassen ihr jeweiligen musikalischen und biografischen Einflüsse und Backstories in die Songs einfliessen; wird in den Texten die die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zwischen Fiktion und Realität ausgelotet, so sind die Kompositionen von der Beziehung zwischen Klassik und Moderne geprägt, in deren kraftvollen Kombination The Slow Show ihren einzigartigen Sound gefunden haben.
Nach zwei ersten Alben und einer einjährigen Pause fern der Bühnen, kehrt die Band 2019 mit einem neuen Album zurück. Die vielfältigen Einflüsse der Band spiegeln sich in der imposanten Größe ihrer neuesten Single Sharp Scratch (VÖ 6. Februar) wider - ein vierminütiges Epos, ebenso zerbrechlich wie überwältigend.
Sänger Rob Goodwin sagt über das Lied : “This song was written during a period of chronic pain and ill health. Whilst not explicit, it deals with the precarious nature of our health and the associated anxiety, hope and despair.”

The Slow Show sind:
Rob Goodwin (Stimme, Gitarre)
Frederik 't Kindt (Keyboards)
Joel Byrne-McCullough (Hauptgitarre)
Chris Hough (Schlagzeug)


There is a lot of truth behind the idea that ‘less is more’, especially as far as Manchester’s The Slow Show are concerned. With a name that manages to effortlessly encapsulate the band’s ethos, the Manchester-based four-piece harbour an innate ability to craft emotionally charged narratives, delicately layered across richly detailed compositions, which in turn, first appear to be within a minimal framework.
Though impressive, it should come as little surprise, especially when taking in to account the band’s varied influences and backgrounds, musical or otherwise.
Frontman, Rob Goodwin explains: “Musically of course we have influences but as a band we've always been more influenced by other areas of life; art and literature are big parts of our lives, but the mundane, the ordinary day to day aspects of life are fascinating”.
And though the literary influence of authors such as Karl Ove Knausgård might not be obvious to everyone, the classical training undertaken by Frederik 't Kindt (keyboards) or the jazz and orchestral aspects of Joel Byrne-McCullough (lead guitar) and Chris Hough (drums) certainly would be.
Much like the relationship between fiction and real-life that has informed The Slow Show’s lyrics, the relationship between the classical and the contemporary has done equally with their composition. Rather than rest on any one aesthetic however, it’s the combination of the two that has provided The Slow Show with their own distinct voice.
Where their debut album White Water was a more aggressive affair, it was their second album, Dream Darling, which saw the classical influences flirted with on their debut really brought to the fore; the act of recording with a Berlin-based choir cementing their classical links, as well as their links to the Continent.
Europe itself has played its own unique part in The Slow Show becoming the band they are today. With crucial early shows in Switzerland as well as the aforementioned Germany teaching the band the importance of on-stage intimacy, geographic influence can’t be overlooked, especially when considering the fact that Kindt himself is a Belgian national, and Goodwin has since relocated from Manchester to Düsseldorf.
Far from being a band to rest on their laurels, such change can only be a good thing as far The Slow Show are concerned. Having decided against playing live for close to a year, the band focused instead on the writing and recording of their new album due for release later in 2019. It was material from this upcoming album that was debuted at the band’s only live show of 2018, a sell out at Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre, an iconic venue for which its storied past was the perfect fit the band’s disparate influences.
These influences are most evident within the sprawling grandeur or latest single, ‘Sharp Scratch’ (released digitally on 6th February 2019 on Play It Again Sam) - a four-minute epic that’s equally as fragile as it is imposing.
Goodwin says of their debut track from the upcoming album: “This song was written during a period of chronic pain and ill health. Whilst not explicit, it deals with the precarious nature of our health and the associated anxiety, hope and despair.”
Now with endless possibilities of album number three stretched out in front of them and the promise of further touring later in the year, it seems that 2019 might well be The Slow Show’s year.

See the official website

Friday 25 October 2019

Fri-Son – Fribourg

  • Doors open at:
  • Event starts at:
Organized by: Fri-Son
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