Das alljährliche Highlight im Veranstaltungskalender von Sirion Records darf auch dieses Jahr ungeniert dick eingetragen werden.
Mit dem jungen Kölner Senkrechtstarter TIM ENGELHARDT Engelhardt und der Berlinerin BEBETTA als Headliner gleitet es sich auch dieses Mal ganz einfach durch die Nacht. BEBETTA glänzt nicht nur mit Veröffentlichungen auf Monaberry oder Kittball, nein auch bei Auftritten an namhaften Veranstaltungen oder mit der absolut sehenswerten Mixserie «Bebetta in Bed» auf Youtube. Stets charmant und witzig versteht es die Berlinerin klassische Interviews in lockere Gespräche zwischen Bekannten zu lenken. TIM ENGELHARDT darf man schon beinahe als Wunderkind bezeichnen, veröffentlichte er doch bereits mit 14 Jahren seine ersten Tracks. Als Kölner war es im Anschluss fast unumgänglich der Inspiration von Mastermind Robert Babicz zu erliegen, der sein Wissen gerne mit dem Jungstar teilte. Was danach folgte kann auf renommierten Labels wie Poker Flat oder Cityfox nachgehört werden.
Die perfekte Abrundung des Line-ups bieten FRANGO von SIRION RECORDS und CAPTAIN BLACK vom Kollektiv Dein Freund und Helfer, welches ebenso für die visuelle Gesamtgestaltung mit Unterstützung von verantwortlich ist.
Wer es trotz all dem nicht vor die Türe schaffen sollte, dem sei gesagt, dass unser Lieblings Radio RaBe wieder live vor Ort sein wird, um das Geschehen des Abends für die Daheimgebliebenen einzufangen.
Saturday 11 May 2019
Dachstock – Bern
- Doors open at:
23:00 - Event starts at:
Organized by: Dachstock

One of Cologne’s youngest and brightest electronic music stars on the rise, Tim Engelhardt didn't gatecrash the scene out of leftfield, but started his path to connoisseurship fairly early on: trying to rewrite the piano pieces he had to practice at the tender age of eight, he showed an independent creative mind from the get-go - a character trait that would prove exremely helpful for a later career as electronic music producer. But it was only when Tim later discovered the releases of Cologne techno luminary Robert Babicz that synthesizers and bass drums moved into focus - a brilliant producer, live performer and mastering engineer with a keen sense for sonic detail, Babicz became the perfect role model for young Tim, inspiring our hero to seek out his own place in electronic music while honing a concise understanding for all facets of production.
Part of a diverse new breed of young producers that get their cues from all sorts of genres and listening situations, Tim still stands apart, having released his very first record when he was just 14 years old. Combining profound musical knowledge with intuitive playfulness, his solid pianist background becomes rather obvious in the great care he takes over harmonies and an expanded melodic structure. Pair that with the organic fluidity and atmospheric dexterity of his music and you've got yourself a winning recipe. Consequently, Tim grew his portfolio with plenty outings on labels such as Traum Schallplatten, WIR, Babiczstyle, Amuse Gueule, Ostwind Records, Popart Music, Playmusic Productions, Parquet Recordings, Manual Music and Steve Bug's iconic Poker Flat Recordings– an impressive amount of label royalty that he's amassed in only four short years. Stay tuned for more Tim Engelhardt on key imprints such as Dixon's Innervisions or Cityfox - exciting things are coming your way.
Underscored by a torrent of remix and release offers, Tim's busy schedule is testament to his growing popularity among electronic music fans - preparations for tours to the US, Asia and India are underway, and also a first trip to Australia has already been checked off that bucket list. Meanwhile, inspiration for Tim's personal brand of melodic house and techno can come from many sources: childhood memories of Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" playing in his dad's car, a walk in nature - or simply mining his modular synth for happy accidents. Gear, however, is only a means to an end for Tim: rather than drooling over hardware, he celebrates art with a distinct personality - art that carries a piece of its creator inside. To find the most powerful expression for the sounds in his head, that's his mission... which is why Tim's music sounds nothing like your run-of-he-mill, straight-to-DJ floor chow, but subtly turns heads with a cohesive, fully-formed musical vision that shines in the club and at home.