Radon + TZITZIMIME + |.|/\|\||\|/\|.| <-> not2goodnot2bad

Der internationale Schrei Club wird harsh:
x-perience the full dose of laut
black doom sludge by Radon
screamo guitars for a better future
harsh machine sounds by TZITZIMIME
screamo drone for a worse past
microphones + flex by |.|/\|\||\|/\|.| <-> not2goodnot2bad
high contrast // low poly
R4dical softness/|\radic4l harsh noise--|-


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Giovedì 4 Aprile 2024

ISC – Bern

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Organizzato da: ISC
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Radon + TZITZIMIME + |.|/\|\||\|/\|.| <-> not2goodnot2bad